“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”
Groucho Marx

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Half a Chance is Better than...

I had even expected! (Do you see what I did there?) I had high expectations, and I was not disappointed.

"Half a Chance" is Cynthia Lord's new novel. She is the Newbery honor award winning author of one of my favorite books, "Rules". She also wrote "Touch Blue" which has a special place in my heart because it was our ONE SCHOOL read in Winterport, Maine. Like Tim Green, Cynthia Lord is a very generous author, who loves to connect to her readers. We were "lucky" enough to win a contest where SHE was the prize! And, what a prize she was! There is nothing like meeting a REAL author, and realizing you could be one, too! She shared some terrific writing tips and gave us the inside scoop on the stories behind the stories. You have to read "Touch Blue" to understand why I use the term lucky. You won't be disappointed, and you will never think of "luck" the same way again.

I bought "Half a Chance" for the library with the Scholastic Dollars we earned at our last book fair. I predict, I will need to buy more! Please help us do that by supporting this week's Book Fair. "Half a Chance" is for sale...you could own your own copy!

"Half a Chance" takes place on a lake in New Hampshire, much like the lake where Cynthia grew up. Write what you know about, and you will be successful, certainly applies here. I loved the setting, especially the loons! It reminded of some special times spent with good friends on Green Lake in Maine. It's not only nice, but it is important to be reminded of good times!

Lucy and her family have just moved to the lake. Her father is a very successful photographer and Lucy has inherited his love and talent for it. Perhaps you can relate to how difficult it might be to follow in the footsteps of a parent or sibling that is very talented in the same sport or hobby that you love? Lucy does happen to be very talented and she enters the coolest photography contest (more about that in a minute). The problem? Her father is the judge. Is it fair for her to enter? Why shouldn't she have the same opportunity to win as anyone else? Especially, since she big plans for the prize money, and it's not for her benefit, its for her new friend Nate's grandmother. I am not going to tell you any more than that. What I want you to do is read the book and then let's talk about it! I have so much I want to say and share with you about this story. One thing I do when I read a book, is to bookmark all of the sentences and thoughts that "speak" to me. I marked a LOT in this novel because I felt a connection to the characters and their story.

My real world right now is a bit sad. Perhaps you can relate? I have a dear friend who is ill. Actually, more than one, but my friend the amazing photographer, father, husband, friend and coach is foremost in my mind. Sometimes the world doesn't make any sense. It's not fair and I find myself annoyed by that. Stories like Lucy's remind me that the beautiful and the horrible go hand in hand. It's just the way it is. Some say we couldn't appreciate the beauty without the other side. I'd like give it a try!! But since that's not how life works I will keep my friends and my family close by my side and choose to celebrate the beautiful everywhere! When it's nowhere to be found, I will pull out my memories and my old photographs and remember how it was and how it will be again.

Thank you, Cynthia Lord, for sharing this story. Thank you, also, for my new favorite phrase. "I am here. Where are you?".

As for the photography contest...I really wanted to see Lucy's photos! I kept looking through the book to see if Cynthia included any. Lucy was so real to me, I thought for sure the photos really existed! I will let you see for yourself if she did, or not. The contest is a photo scavenger hunt. Contestants were given a list of words or phrases and had to submit photos depicting each one. Photos would be judged on technique and creativity. Here are a few of the phrases on the list; skip, heading home, holding on, and lost. Isn't that a cool idea?

Let's try it! Listen for announcements about it. I love when books encourage us to take some action, don't you?!

I happen to think that Cynthia Lord is a brilliant writer and wonderful person. I feel connected to her not only through her novels, but because she writes about her life as a writer in her online journal and on her facebook page. See for yourself why I am such a huge fan.

Read her journal here: http://cynthialord.livejournal.com/ Check out her other amazing novels:
Now, I am off to google some videos of loons. They really are beautiful. I bet my friend, Dave, has some photos that prove that. If I find one, I'll share.